Thursday, January 17, 2008

17 Jan 2008

Not very encouraging to note that I am facing the clichéd, writers block on the very second day of the excercise. My gut feeling is to use my tiredness as an excuse for not writing anything. But again on second thought I came across an amusing observation, I was only trying to pretend and hide away from myself by making a silly excuse.

There are so many dichotomies that we come across, from petty to enormous in there magnitute. And without realising much we only tend to react. To react in literal sense means repeation of the same action. So every time when we react to a dichotomus situation we are acting a mechanical fashion. Over a period of time we have conditioned our minds to exactly behave is a set manner. This often results in we tending to forcefully fit a situation into the mental framework through which we acoustomed to look at the external world. This is such an enormous waste of the faculty of cognition that we have inherited by being born as a human being.

Unlike the Stone age man who started using weapons for the very first time in the history of evolution, for the modern man, mind is the only tool of survival. Through out our entire lifespan mind is the only faculty that we have at our disposal. From learning to walk, to acquiring language and mathematical skills to more complex social skills, its our mind that is work. And still its so ironical that we devote so little time to sharpen our minds, to keep it in a constant state of alertness and awareness.

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